Skip to content. Looks healthy and seems to be growing. It had lighter green leaves then the parent which for me was a tip-off that the bloom was going to be different. 99. Variegated dark green and white, plain, pointed, serrated. Self-Pollination in Chimera African Violets (or any African violets) January 1, 2011 – 12:01 am Self-pollination in African violets occurs on occasion not as a result of thrips, or mechanical movement, rather as a consequence of the style bending towards and pushing the sigma into the pollen sack. As the space in the standard growing stands (with fluorescent lights) was all occupied I place the new. I have grown the chimera African violet, Yachiyo Tabata in the past. Watch a YouTube video of the segment. Alan`s White Feather (Murphy)Простые или полумахровые крупные волнистые белые колокольчики ,светлозеленая заострённая листва , полумини. Both miniature and standard chimera African violets are available. Their pinwheel shape is available in color combinations (white-pink, pink-violet. 75H 5 shelf stand. If a plant has either two dominant genes or one dominant and one recessive for a given trait then the plant will display that. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Bloom 4. Medium green, plain to slightly quilted foliage. Chimeras cannot be propagated by leaf cuttings because they are composed of two genetically different layers of tissue, whereas, in African violets, each plant produced from a leaf comes from a single. Semidouble stars in tones of blue-purple, have frilly white edges. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. It also illiterates a point I have made repeatedly on the importance of purchasing chimera African violets that are in bloom. 3 – Doubled. 1. Bloom 4. If you have paid good money to buy a leaf on eBay and the resulting babies produce a plant that has blooms quite different from what you expected, it can be a big disappointment. for pricing and availability. African Violet Chimera . Post a Comment. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. . ~AVSA Photo Collection ~African Violet Photo Archive ~Chimera African. The leaves of the plant are as the non-sported plant, dark green, are ovate and quilted. A very special breed of African violet. African violets thrive in the same atmosphere in which people are comfortable. Posted by admin on October 31, 2021 at 11:17 am. International Shipping; Abnormal Mauna Loa Blooms. In the violet hobby, the term usually refers to varieties having pinwheel striped blossoms. Mystery of the African Violet. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Chimera African Violets The Chimera African Violet BlogThe Chimera African Violet Blog. Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment. Yukako. Your plants should be slightly dry and in need of watering. The Violet Barn. Medium green, plain to slightly quilted foliage. Fancy Bloomers' Own HybridsLeavesPots and SuppliesGift Certificates. One of them which will have been registered for 30 years come 1/15/23 (as noted in AVSA “First. The leaves are Medium green in color and plain to slightly quilted in shape. Cherry) Single chimera red star/white and pink center. Shopping For Chimera African Violets? Mauna Loa. Very cute! Tiny, dark blue, double stars. Chimera Colored Edge Speckled Edge Geneva Edge Raised Edge A striped bloom mutation A sharp color change A fine dotted color fade A white or silver trim A thick, often ruffled edge. Lisa Fleming Oct 15, 2022 Helpful? Item quality. Mosaic Variegation (Lillian Jarrett, Emperor):. Click on the link in red to see one of the earlier articles on this subject. And sure enough the photos of what was being offered appeared a little skimpy on the white. She became seriously interested in violets in 2013. The above presentation came from Youtube made by Reeds Greenhouse. Click on the images to enlarge. Yukako: This is a standard chimera known as Yukako. Your plant will be shipped priority mail 2. Ending Friday at 4:02PM PST 4d 23h. Registered African Violets - Dec 1, 1960 - Dec. Happy slicing and growing!Links with excellent photographic images of African violets, chimera and non-chimera. Much of that acceptance is due to the ease of propagation. This chimera that naturally has. Chimera African Violet Shimai – Sport » The Commonly Rare African Violet As this site is dedicated to the chimera African violet and subsequently is each article that is written here, there are occasions that an exceptional photo or article on African violets is published somewhere that deserves to be read and looked at by all. 5" White Ceramic Pot. Bloom 5. Lituanika (F. Chimera African Violets Gone Wrong (More) Attached is the latest to my photo collection of chimera African violets that have gone wrong. It also has an area of the program to keep track of all your hybridization attempts. Williams, Semi double, white large flowers, medium green leaves. 99 shipping. Joan6aON Mississauga, ON (Zone 6a) Dec 05, 2005. A New Chimera African Violet? Recently discovered a sport of the Chimera Van’s Evan. Posted by admin on April 12, 2015 at 1:27 pm. Berdnikova) Semidouble-double white and rose-pink fluted star. They sometimes cover the. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Live house plant variegated chimera bloom African Violet ‘Arctic Frost’ garden 4” flower Potted gift. Medium green standard foliage. Post #9976222. International Shipping; Sport of Granger Sugar Frost. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Houseplants New Arrivals Other Gesneriads Potting Mix Rex Begonias Special Offers Supplies Supplies Terrarium Plants ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping. Photographs taken in Sept. 5. Posted by admin on April 25, 2020 at 7:44 pm. AFRICAN VIOLET INFO & TIPS: Keep your African Violets in perfect health and constant bloom with these simple guidelines. If we not available please leave a message we will get back to you quickly. Posted by admin on January 27, 2020 at 10:02 pm. Landek 2/17/12) This is a standard chimera with medium green quilted leaves. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Standard. Selling and shipping African violets and collectible houseplants since 1985. In mythology, a chimera is a beast constructed of parts from two or more different animals. 99. African Violets. When you change the lighting angles and back light the bloom of the leaf chimera plant you see almost a pinwheel like coloration of darker purple on a lighter purple. Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses, Inc. Clear All. All plants are guaranteed to bloom true. -Biscayne Trail: The beautiful trailing of. Choose from 3-packs to packs of 8 African violets. Standard : Center Stage (V. Skip to content. In most cases, yes. The Chimera African Violet Blog. The idea of tissue culture of chimera African violets has been around for sometime. ), Mohammad Aslanpour, Mahmoud Shoor, Behnaz Ghalekahi, Ahmad Sharifi, Mahdieh Kharrazi. Sport of Rainbow's Quiet Riot: Ramona's Coral Kitty (6775) 11/15/1987 (R. Propagation. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. 0. Bamboo plant stand. African Violet Chimera - Neptune's Jewels. Strong & healthy starter plants for sale African violet chimeras growing. Biologically, the mesophyll tissue (middle of the leaf) and the epidermal tissue (skin tissue) of chimera's flower colour genes are different, of each produces different flower colour pigment. If you want to watch this directly on YouTube where the image is bigger, just click on the lower right hand corner of the video screen above, where it says “YouTube”. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. – double, semi-double, single, fantasy. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. Take an African Violet cutting from a host plant. Lyndon Lyon Greenhoouses, Inc. Medium green, quilted. Hybridizer is Eyerdom (Reg# 6808 1/15/1988) this chimera plant is a perfect example of the “vintage” chimera African violets. Chimeras. Skip to content. Though a chimera is any plant having this genetic characteristic, in African violets, this term is typically used to describe the “pinwheel” blossomed varieties, which. Bookmark the permalink. But put it into the context that this was published on April 1st. Williams, Semi double, white large flowers, medium green leaves. In African violets, chimeras often exhibit striped or pinwheel color patterns in the flowers and unfortunately, cannot be reproduced by leaf cuttings. If you looked at 100 blooms each would be a little different then the other as you can see in the first two images. In a previous post, December 1 2014, I discussed an experiment where I grew from a flower stem that had a 7 petal bloom with the intent of trying to see if i can establish a strain of 6 and 7 petal blooms. Wait for 20 minutes, allow the plant to absorb the water and the top soil to become moist. Variegation on leaf chimeras is very rare and is completely immune to changes in temperature, environment and age. Those buds sit atop 5–10 petals. Soprt of Shimai. Mrs. Stress factors such as uneven cultural. All plants share four common stages in micropropagation that will need to be followed: Stage 1: Select an explant and place it into a sterilized culture in an in-vitro environment that promotes stable shoot. . Another method to propagate African violet chimeras is through bloom stalks. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. Bookmark. This is a video of me using a base mixture of potting mix, and a top layer of vermiculite and perlite to plant African violet leaves in. Step 1: Remove and trim leaf. These plants can only be propagated by suckers. A chimera African Violet contains mutated cells alongside other cells in its flowers or leaves. In 1892 Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire, the German governor of a northeastern province in Tanganyika (now part of Tanzania), found a low-growing plant with very hairy, fleshy leaves, and striking blue flowers growing among shaded rocky ledges in the Usambara Mountains. Standard Sport of Anthoflores Isabelle : Keiko 11/21/2003 (O. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. AFRICAN VIOLET INFO & TIPS: Keep your African Violets in perfect health and constant bloom with these simple guidelines. has been a worldwide. Cut off the leaf stem with a sharp, clean knife. . Young leaves in the middle of. Chimeras probably are more responsible for luring plant-loving people into the violet-growing hobby than any other force in the universe. Natalia’s plants all use her “Nik-“ prefix. The below image is the same chimera African violet (flower chimera) whose leaves were white (last months post) and maintained under 1600 lux LED lamp. Otherwise plants and leaves will be. Plantlets produced from tissue cultured leaf explants do not flower true-to-type. 00. S. dew. For more care tips visit myViolet. Senk's Say What? (R. Bloom 2. Fancy Bloomers' Own HybridsLeavesPots and SuppliesGift Certificates. ~AVSA Photo Collection. African Violets by Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses : New for 2023 - African Violets Gift Certificates Misc. Variegation on leaf chimeras is very rare and is completely immune to changes in temperature, environment and age. Bookmark the permalink. Chimeras cannot be reproduced by leaf cutting, we have to use other techniques and in this video I will show 2 different techniques on how to propagate Afric. Posted by admin on September 26, 2012 at 8:36 pm. advanced search. Shimai Normal. View my complete profile. Links with excellent photographic images of African violets, chimera and non-chimera. Posted on June 9, 2015 by babyviolets Standard. This variety has been around for decades and is still one of the most popular ones available. It is an industrial variety, standard size, smooth, and does not need any additional help to form. Home; About. These plants are relatively easy to care for, and can be propagated by stem cuttings. Victorian Flirt. […] By admin | Posted in Lighting | Comments (0) Chimera African Violet Shimai – Sport. Please sign up for in stock notifications to get. Standard Sport of Irish Paradise : KBugs Purple Mist (K Darrow/A Bell) Purple semi-double chimera with white stripe and dark purple edge. 06/23/2998 (Eyerdom) The flower is a single chimera light rose star with a dark red stripe. By Andrew Evans. 00. That term refers to a plant with a complex color pattern that results from different genetic codes in different cells. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. By bloom stalk, by suckers, by crown removal and suckering, and by stem slicing. Light green, quilted, serrated. Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses, Inc. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. One of “The Alps” that bloomed true (image directly below) put out a very strong glowing sucker that I just let grow. Variegation on leaf chimeras is very rare and is completely immune to changes in temperature, environment and age. It aids in flower stalks and suckers. There are now so many interesting chimera African violets, with some complex coloration and color patterns. Variegated dark green and white, plain, pointed, serrated. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Check out Pink African Violet. Depending on how detailed one wants to get into the topic of the plant tissue culture process, there is a myriad of papers, articles and books providing. The below images are plants derived from the same batch of flower stems from Titanic. 00. Large chimera Semidouble pink stars with medium blue stripes. This entry was written by admin , posted on September 1, 2010 at 12:01 am , filed under Propagation , Seeds and tagged African violet seed , Germination of African violets from seed , How to grow African. Share photos, information, ask questions, discuss genetics. African Violet Live Plant Flowering Indoor Saintpaulia In 4. They discussed the various types of African violets, how to repot a plant with. About four years ago I propagated this plant, Ford’s Pinwheel (J. $13. Here is a brief guide on how to propagate chimera african violets: Yukako –A single purple with green chimera. They have a program called first class that lists all the registered varieties and their traits. Single chimera medium blue bell/white stripe. (J Norton) Single violet bell bloom with white stripe. Trailing African violets are perhaps the easiest to grow and bloom, especially for the. Note how one can discern the growth of the petals of the bloom. $19. Some of the most popular varieties include: -Lyon’s Private Dancer: This variegated African violet can grow to between 6-12 inches in both height and spread. Semiminiature trailerArticle about Lituanica flight: htt. Chimera variegated light-medium green and white, pointed, glossy. Phoenix, Pegasus, Harpy, Cerberus, Echidna, Gorgon,. Few other houseplants can match their ability to thrive and bloom indoors for months on end. 99 On sale $10. Anthoflores® is the only African violet entirely tissue culture bred, propagated and grown in North America and is guaranteed free of overseas pathogens. These are the pictures (flower and plant) of the actual plant being offered. After 20 minutes, discard the leftover water in the tray, bowl or saucer. 36"L x 14"W x 5"H, 4 shelf stand. International Shipping; Sport Of Concord (second bloom) Sport of Concord. After a number of years I seem to see a greater frequency of six petals chimera African violets with specific cultivars. The Chimera African Violet Blog. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. The Chimera African Violet Blog. $10. Chimeras, which have a characteristic stripe of color down the center of each petal lobe, will rarely produce offspring with the same color pattern. Again another sport and an interesting outcome. Sport of Angel's Reflections. 2, dated 1947, the President Mrs. Log InLED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants. Using a sharp knife or razor, trim. African Violet suckers can be removed using a “ sucker plucker “ tool or a similar sharp blade, pencil or sharp tool which can be used to pluck or scrape the sucker off from the stem. This may very well make an interesting and new chimera African violet if the stalk can be propagated into a plant. Dark green, plain, ovate/red back. $45. So that's it! Now you know my chimera African violet propagation secrets. Posted by admin on October 28, 2019 at 5:24 pm. We shall see. I propagated it using my standard method (tissue culture) and placed it in a 2 oz plastic cup to grow. Hybridizer and grower for Harmony Begonias. That term refers to a plant with a complex color pattern that results from different genetic codes in different cells. Our violets are monitored and tested for genetic and growth. Posted by admin on August 29, 2015 at 6:00 pm. An African Violet can grow from 8–16 inches depending on its type. Skip to content. Supplies. Akuzawa). Home; About. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. African Violet Nerds (facebook) Fuzzy Foliage AVSA Promoton; AVSA; Violet Vendor Verdict;The Chimera African Violet Blog. Jere’s Roll Tide Out of about 500 seedlings, this one chimera variety emerged as the perfect tribute to the Crimson Tide. Petersburg. (10802) 01/05/2016 (C. IMPORTANT! Please read this paragraph before shopping. For the African violets, complete fertilizers with 20-20-20 or 14-14-14 are enough. International Shipping; Concord hairs. 99) Leaves ($7. He did a nice job. Most African violets can be successfully propagated from leaf cuttings to vegetatively reproduce plants that will be identical to the plant from which the leaf cutting was taken. com Or you can call me at: 609-431-6982. African violets, pinball, makeup, TV, purses, and a buncha other crap. Then spread at least a ½ inch layer of potting soil in a shallow container. Cut blossom stem below leaflets. 2020, and March 2020. Semimini African Violet Leaf Chimera "Balchug White Wolf” - Plant in Bud! Opens in a new window or tab. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Skip to content. Būtienė) Double light pink with darker shading on the tips. Important! Several sports from this variety are registered: Dias-Fireworks, DS-Shining Bell Chimera, DS-Pink ( Chimera ). Welcome to our online store. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Standard Price $8. International Shipping; Humako Myrthe. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Home; About. Home; About. But in the end the requirement of 3 generation of consistency being required to verify a new variant has proved its value. If you have any questions please contact me at. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Home; About. Bloom 6. They are then sealed. Bloom 6. Mini chimeras. Posted by admin on April 25, 2021 at 10:00 am. Two genetic information They, as other plant chimeras, contain two genetic information. It has large, double blooms that are pure white in color, are slightly ruffled, and have a beautiful sheen to them. Plain, ovate. Standard Price: $8. General non-tissue culture propagation information. For our violet, these parts consist of plant cells of two different genetic makeups. Let them grow. Bookmark the permalink. You may also attempt to make keikis (baby plants on a flower stem) by applying orchid keiki paste to the axils of bloom stems. Semiminiature trailer. These blooms are White with a slight green ting and edged in a purple pink. Plain, ovate. Semi-miniatures. lilypad22 (tish) near Atlanta, GA (Zone 7b)Nov 20, 2014. African Violets Books - to propagate African violet chimeras by producing suckersNEW VIDEO Every WeekSteverd Links:TWITTER: will take time and a couple of generations (and years) to see if this is all genetically stable and truly a double chimera. Old News. African Violet Society of America. Then water with lukewarm plain water for the next 2 weeks before returning to routine fertilizing. Water as you would usually, and cover the pot with a clear plastic bag. SaintpauliaCa. Offering fresh cut leaves, leaf pots and starter plants! Paul Sorano appeared in a segment on the Martha Stewart Show on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, representing Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses. Posted by admin on October 6, 2020 at 5:31 pm. Keller’s message in a letter to a member Mrs. Home; About. Oh and yeah, I really do think I'm a mermaid. This entry was written by admin , posted on April 1, 2013 at 12:01 am , filed under April Fools , Flowering and tagged Flowering . Allison Post #1907893. . This is only the second sport I. Home; About. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. Let them grow. Click on the images above to get a clearer and larger image. Mark unread; Skip to new; Mark unread Print Skip to new. The variegated African violet chimeras are extremely rare. 99 Pre-Order - This item will be available on 5/1/2022. $50. Medium green, quilted. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Flower types. ~African Violet Photo Archive. Natalia was born and still lives in St. . Sport of Alliance. dark foliage The following is a list of African violet sports that have been listed or registered since 1980. Stromborg) Single chimera dark purple pansy/white stripe. Using this method you can cut up a chimera African violet and produce new chimeras from /every/ leaf of the plant - if each leaf contains some of the original central stem on the end of the petiole, with a dormant axel bud. 2375 North Street. The Chimera African Violet Blog. There are now so many interesting chimera African violets, with some complex coloration and color patterns. A team of scientists from the U. Links with excellent photographic images of African violets, chimera and non-chimera. The rest of the blooms are the standard white with green stripes. Answer: A chimera is a plant, due to its genetic make-up, which can be propagated only by suckers to produce an identical (in foliage and blossom) plant. These African violets are known for their 'pinwheel' striped blooms or, sometimes, uniquely variegated foliage. I noticed on one of the small Tawawa I was propagating from tissue culture, that the leaves were not the typical medium green but had turned dark green. Required fields are marked *More Chimera African Violet Sports and A Possible Double Chimera. It’s best to use a mature leaf, but not one that’s old and tough. Simple in bloom structure and pattern yet distinct and complex in that the pink and purple pattern, like snowflakes, vary from bloom to bloom. International Shipping; Granger’s Red and White Strip. AVSA Most Wanted. 2. Yachiyo Tabata Bloom #3.